Website Features

Only For Doctors - The website is only for doctor males and females looking for a lifepartner.

Process To become a Member - Please complete the mini Registration Form and make online payments through secured PayU gateway. After payments, you need to log-in with your email id and password as provided in the Registration form. After log-in you should complete your profile through "Edit" button on right side of your biodata and do not forget to "Save" for each section update. Once your profile is complete, you are ready to search through following 3 search options. Please note, on clicking any profile, the detail profile page will open up with complete biodata and contact details of the other person.  

3 Types of Search Options -  

  • Quick Search gives you option for easy searching (click on any button by caste, location, specialization etc and all profiles in that category will open). 
  • Simple Search gives option to combine different search criteria and then gives result
  • Compatibility Search gives you option to set ranking and weightage to your criterias and get results with percantage compatibility to your set criterias  

Full Profiles & Details Open-up on one click on the candidate's profile window. You can open multiple profiles as a book or as multiple tab

Details which are important for you to know - One actually needs to know lots of details for someone whom you / your family member is planning to marry. Unfortunately at times, we avoid getting into details....remember this may lead to lifetime regret. We understand this situation and our website provides option to pen-down some important details just in one window.

Managing Options, Communication & Social links (Facebook & Linkedin Profiles) - Based on our research on how people keep record of prospective candidates and manage communication. In the profile window we have given you multiple options which you always wanted for - Add to Mybook (Favorites), Notes for future, Setting Reminder, Link to FB, Linkedin etc.

What is the next Step After I Receive Confirmation of Registration from the website - 

  1. The Registration (membership) to is chargeable.
  2. After Registration Confirmation - You can log-in with your email ID and password that you have chosen for the website and then go to "My Profile" section through link on right hand side Or Through "Profile" button on Right top 
  3. Please upload sufficient photographs of candidate & family members and update all necessary details you want to furnish on the "Candidate Details" "Family Details" "Detail Description" "Extra Information" section on "My Profile" page. Please note if you do not furnish enough details, your profile will not come in search outcome. Hence it is essential to update all details in Biodata link after you log-in
  4. Understand the importance of good photographs for matrimonial search - it is same, when you get impressed seeing other candidate's photographs when you are searching. You may upload maximum 10 photographs on My Profile link on left bottom corner.
  5. You can search profiles of suitable matches through "Quick Search" or "Simple Search" Buttons on Home Page or through "Search" link on "My Profile" page
  6. To see more details of Candidates, you can directly click on the search result window for that candidate and detail profile window for that candidate will open
  7. To see profile of multiple candidates in same window you can click on right hand top check box of Search Result page for all candidates you want to see details and then click on "View Details" Button on Right hand bottom. Multiple candidates profiles will open in same window 
  8. You can manage your shortlisted profiles through "My Selected Profiles" button or send Chat message or set Reminder / post Notes

How to see Profiles which have shown Interest - Profiles which show interest in you can be seen in window names as "Profiles whcih have shown interest in me" . Click the profile, to view complete profile details. If you accept the interest, the profile will move to "Mutually Interest Accepted Profiles"

How to see Offline Message sent by other candidates - To see messages sent by other profiles, click on MLP Number in the Notification Window, where it is mentioned - "Total Messages Received"  

What is Ignore Button function - Clicking this button will remove that profile from your next searches and also your profile will not be shown to that candidate when he or she searches.

What is My Selected Profile - You can always select a profile to review it later. By clicking on "Add in selected profile" button, the profile will be kept in your "My Selected Profile" window for your ease in reviewing this profile later. However, no action is reflected / done from your side to the other person.

What are Reminders & Future Note button - Reminder button will set a Reminder, that will help you remind of any action to be done with regards to any profile (eg say you may set a reminder to talk to that person on xyz date). Future Note function helps you in listing any notes for "your future reference" for any profile (eg while talking to that person, you want to write down some points about him or her which will help you recall positives / negatives about that perosn later), you can put it in future notes. Future notes are only readable by you / your family members who log-in for your account and not to anyone else.    


In case you need any clarification, we will be very happy to support. Email us at
